His name is Moses. I call him Mo.
He is basically one of those people that cannot be apart from my life.
Friendship is like a wind. You cannot predict when they would come into your life or when they would leave. I have no clue how and when Mo became such an important person in my life.
Let me tell you about my relation with him before we move on. He has been working with me in the Recording studio as an assistant engineer for 2 years and this year is his third year. He is not quiet at the point where I can just let him do everything but if I need help with something, I can always count on him.
I like him a lot. But there are few things that I must mention about him that are not considered as attractive in my opinion.
He is a slow thinker.
I, in the other hand, value efficiency.
He is my worker.
I am his boss.
If it wasn't for Craig who persisted me to keep him in the studio, I would've fired him long time ago. But over the course, I realized that it was God's will for me to have him close by.
He is a great guy but I don't see him as the person who would be successful in terms of worldly aspect such as becoming famous or taking leadership for various communities and groups. But he is valuable in a way that the world usually don't realize. He is the big chunk of rock that supports the foundation. He has the mentality, observance, integrity that attracts people who has the potential to be a great leader.
So I find it quiet ironic that his name is Moses. Rather, I would call him Aaron. Even though Aaron(Character in the Bible) made so many mistakes, I would consider Aaron to be one of the greatest accompanist.
Dear Mo, although the world may not realize the value of your work, our Father in heaven notices every little kind words that you speak. Thank you for being my support when I needed the most.
There are many Moses in this world, but only few Aarons. Somebody like Mo is vary rare these days.
Ryo--that is such an awesome post! You are a great writer and English is your second language--I wish I could read what you write in Japanese! God bless!