Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have a great interest in Practical Christian Education and Training for Young People. I want to specifically point to the word practical. 
I do not believe that Foundation of Christian education lies on the top quality education that this world can offer. It lies on knowing Gods word, seeking first the kingdom of God above anything else, and most of all, sincere relationship with the Lord. 

Young people, Listen to what I have to say. Not because I know more than you do or not because I live holier than you do. I am no different than you. But because by Gods grace, we may all be saved from the misconception, chaotic understanding that this world gives us today.

Today, I want to share something that I usually don't share.


I am single. But I know that marriage is something that I look forward to. Marriage is a wonderful thing! Can you imagine sharing your life with someone you love? That must be encouraging! 

I'm going to tell you about finding the right person in my perspective.

I am going to be honest with you and if I offend anybody out there through this, please understand that just because your perspective is different than mine, that does not mean I don't respect yours. 

Please don't get me wrong, marriage is more than what I'm going to tell you. So please understand that what I'm going to tell you is not everything about marriage. But I would say, this is simply the core idea of how to find a right person. 

Marriage is a relationship. A special one. 
Relationship is consisted with individual.
Individual is characterized with ones identity. 

People may say, Character is what makes the person's identity. But I do not believe so. Ones identity is what makes the person's character. If you don't agree with that, maybe you would understand where I am coming from at the end of what I have for you to tell.

So tell me, what is your identity? Have you ever thought about that? You would need to understand what your identity is before you get married.

Here is why.

In the book of New Oxford American Dictionary, the word "identity" is decribed as following sentence.
<identity ; the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.>
Okay, I hope you understood that. Because I'm going to tell you something that might bring confusion. 
If dictionary says so about identity, does that mean that if I don't have identity, I am basically non-existent? The dictionary said it right there, identity is the fact of being who! 

Friends, I hope you marry someone who does exist. You also want to be someone who exists when you get married. 

Now that we understood why we must have identity before we get married, let's continue with our topic by asking, what is your identity? 
Are you thinking about type of sports you like to play or good at as your identity? Or are you thinking about your talents in music? Or maybe you are thinking about your school grade, social status, how much friends you have, what kind of music you like, etc. Or is it the fact that whether you are sanguine, melancholy, phlegmatic or choleric? 
The reason why I mentioned those is because those facts above that seems like it describes who you are are often used to determine human compatibility for marriage.  

Let's get back to the dictionary.

In New Oxford American Dictionary, after stating what was said ealier, it continues to say,

"serving to establish who the holder, owner, or wearer is by bearing their name  and often other details such as signature or photograph."

So identity would tell me who you are SERVING because of the SIGNATURE that was SIGNED on YOU by YOUR OWNER. 


So when I ask, what is your identity, I am actually asking who do you serve?

Okay, it might seem like it's going to the topic that has nothing to do with marriage but trust me, this has a lot to do with marriage.

I don't want to marry a person who has sports as her identity, meaning this person serves sports.
I don't want to marry a person who has movies or music as her identity, meaning this person serves movies or music.
I don't want to marry a person who has job as her identity, meaning this person serves her job. 
I don't want to marry a person who has family as her identity, meaning this person serves her family. 

The list goes on. 

But I can firmly say that I want to marry a person who has God as her identity. The God that created heaven and earth and someday in near future, He will come for the second time and bring us home. 

Meaning, she serves the Lord that I love. 

And if I have the same identity, then we match. 

Then I would pray that the Lord's will be upon me and the person that I am thinking in terms of getting married.

So all the single people who are seriously thinking about marriage, ask to your self, what is my identity? 

When your identity lies on God and so as the person you are thinking of getting married to, you can know that you are on the right track and let God take care rest of it. 

Who wants to have a successful marriage?

I do. 

Do you?

Let me tell you about the God that I serve. John 3:16 tells us all. 

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 


  1. RYO! This is so deep! Glad to see your identity is in Him. Thanks for sharing. What a blessing.

  2. Did you take the above picture? It's awesome. -Melissa

  3. Profound. Really thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing.
